“The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence.”
Rabindranath Tagore
Concept of education is undergoing a rapid transition in the present day dynamic society. Introduction of the far-fetched changes in the very concept of education has become the key word of success. Laying down emphasis on the all round development of the child is the hallmark of attaining excellence in this competitive world. Child will have to be trained in a way that he/she can face the challenges of the life and society with full moral strength and self-confidence.
Accordingly, with a view to facilitate all round development of its students Tagore School attaches great importance to various programmes and activities outside the class room routine too. These are, thus designed to develop important behavioural traits so as to enable one to set pace with the 21st century competition and speed.
And that is why equal attention is paid towards both academic and moral development of the child. The idea is to develop not only bright students but also responsible citizens.

India has a rich cultural heritage and Gurudev Rabindra Nath Tagore is one of its most distinguished contributors. His visions and teachings were a fine blend of art, culture and education. The famous Shanti Niketan is the living testimony of the fact.
Inspired by this, Rabindra Educational Society decided to shoulder the responsibility of imparting education to the children based on the ideals of Gurudev. And so, Tagore School came into existence in 1964. The growth of the institution, since then, has been phenomenal.
OUR Facilities & Activities

The school is providing Computer Education under the supervision of experienced staff. The Computer Lab. of the school is well equipped for the technical enhancement & perfection of the students in the era of Information Technology.

The school has three well equipped laboratories for imparting education in Physics, Chemistry Biology & Mathematics. Facilities are available for individuals.

Games are a compulsory part of the agenda and all students are encouraged to take active part in different sports. The school has provision for both indoor and outdoor games

The school has a well furnished library covering reference books of all subjects along-with a large collection of developmental topics. The school library also subscribes to various magazines and news papers in English and Hindi.

The spirit of public school education, the school encourages Co-curricular activities in which every student is required to participate.The talents so acquired are aptly expressed through Competitions

Group of students escorted by teachers are sent to places of interest in & around Delhi on regular basis.The aim of such excursions is to enrich the child’s knowledge in respect of our history, culture & rich heritage.